
Dental Crowns Seminole, FL

older couple smiling and hugging at the beach, dental crowns and bridges Seminole, FL dentist

There are several ways a tooth can be repaired after sustaining damage from decay or trauma. One of the most common and reliable ways dentists can restore both function and form to a defective tooth is by applying a dental crown. Crowns are a versatile restoration: they finish off root canals and fill in empty spaces with a bridge. In many instances, crowns allow the root structure of natural teeth to remain fixed in place while compensating for the loss of the upper portion of the tooth.

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth or need to protect a tooth after a root canal, contact the office of Jennifer Johnson DMD and schedule an appointment. Our dentist in Seminole, FL will examine your tooth carefully and determine if a dental crown is the best course of treatment.

What is a Crown?

A crown is a tooth-colored cap that is custom-made to fit over an existing tooth. It will cover the tooth all the way down to the gum line, providing a protective barrier around the tooth to prevent further damage. Sometimes a person is missing so much of their natural tooth structure that it would be brittle and prone to breakage if not protected by a crown.

Dental crowns provide strength, durability, and longevity to the tooth while also improving the tooth’s overall appearance. While crowns are considered a restorative treatment, they also offer cosmetic benefits. Crowns can be color-matched to the rest of your teeth and look completely realistic so they easily blend in with your natural teeth.

Reasons You Might Need a Crown

There are many situations in which a dental crown may be the best choice for your smile.

A crown can be used to:

  • Cover and restore a chipped or cracked tooth
  • Strengthen a severely worn or weak tooth
  • Replace a dental filling that is large and unable to fully support the tooth
  • Cover a tooth after root canal treatment
  • Hold a dental bridge in place
  • Prevent a tooth from further damage or cracking
  • Improve the overall shape, color, and size of a tooth (and hide imperfections)
  • Cover and finish off a dental implant (to replace a missing tooth)

Process For Getting a Dental Crown

3D computer illustration of dental crown being placed over prepared tooth, dental crown Seminole dentist

Everyone’s teeth are different shapes and sizes, so dental restorations must be made to accommodate these unique differences. To prepare for your crown we will first need to examine the tooth. If there is an infection present, we will need to treat the infection first. If there is an existing filling present, Dr. Johnson will evaluate it to see how well it is bonded to the tooth and make sure all decay has been removed.

Once Dr. Johnson has determined what type of crown and crown material is needed, she will prep the tooth to make room for the crown. We will then take impressions of your mouth and our dental lab will carefully construct your crown with the proper materials for the strength and esthetics needed.

Since it can take a couple of weeks for the dental lab to craft your crown, we will place a temporary crown over the tooth to protect it. Once your permanent crown is ready, you’ll come back to our Seminole, FL dental office where we will remove the temporary crown, check the look and fit of the permanent crown, and then cement it into place.

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, a crown may be the best way to save your smile. Contact the office of Jennifer Johnson DMD to learn more about dental crowns or to book an appointment! Call our Seminole, FL office at (727) 393-8855.

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Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


By Appointment Only





8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
By Appointment Only